I assume you already know how to move the rook. If not, go elsewhere for the basics. Here, you will learn how to unlock the secrets of the rook.

Rook value

The rook is worth five pawns, or five points. Everybody knows that, right? Yes, but not everybody can add 2+2. Not everybody can think of ways to use this information, in order to reveal the secrets of the rook. How about the following games. Note that those games have similar rules as the “Capture the Flag”. Winner is the person who moves last, if there is no legal move left for  your opponent, or if you capture all your opponent’s pieces, or if you manage to get one of the pawns to the other side. However, one addition here. If you control the side with the pawns, to win, you need to take your pawn to the other side and be safe. If the rook can capture the promoted pawn, in the move right after the promotion, you lose the pawn (and the game).

Game 2.1. One rook vs five pawns. Can the rook always win? how? what is the ideal strategy?

Game 2.2. One rook vs six pawns. Can the rook still always win? why or why not? Does this really prove that the rook’s value is 5 pawns? (or: less than 6 pawns)

Game 2.3 How about this game: 2 rooks and 8 pawns for each side.

Alternatively (game 2.3b) you could use 1 rook and 8 pawns.

Playing those games, you will discover how to use your rook, how to attack, and how to defend. From the back, the front or the side. Some skills to be used in the endgame, but also in the middle game. Practice! The only way to improve. Stay tuned for more.

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