AStal chess endgame quiz! An inspiring 30 questions quiz that you will love!
AStal chess endgame quiz!
AStal chess endgame quiz!
Youtube won't let me publish videos longer than 15 minutes, so here is a climb from 1800 to 2000 in puzzles in 3 parts: Total is 38 minutes, split into three videos as below. The sound is not very clear, as this is my very first video. I will…
Three examples with black against opponents 250-350 points higher. I 've started playing classical chess in September 2021 for the very first time in my life. I played 39 games in 15 months. Previously, I had been occasionally playing online only, and mostly blitz. I played a few classical games…
Have a look at this position. Black just checked the white king with the rook. Is it black winning because of the rook? Is it white winning because the position is too close to promotion? Or is it a draw, and how exactly? Have a look and think about it!
This game was played yesterday between two GMs. Last move by black in the below position was: 16 ... g4 White played: 17. Nd2 However, there was a MUCH BETTER move for white! Can you find it and outshine a GM? Don't be afraid to think. Just think a little…