Lesson 4. Is the knight the odd piece of the chessboard?

Lesson 4. Is the knight the odd piece of the chessboard?

As you may already understand from looking into other pieces, the first game of this lesson would be the knight vs 3 pawns. Try playing this many times with your friends or parents Game 4.1 Naturally, the next one is knight vs 4 pawns. Can the knight win here? Game…

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Lesson 3. Unlock the bishop!

Lesson 3. Unlock the bishop!
Bishop chess piece, computer illustration.

By now, you have uncovered all secrets of the pawn and the rook. Next is the bishop! The bishop is supposed to be worth 3 pawns. So, the first game you should practice hundreds of times is this one: one bishop vs 3 pawns. Can the bishop always win? what…

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