By now, you have uncovered all secrets of the pawn and the rook. Next is the bishop!

The bishop is supposed to be worth 3 pawns. So, the first game you should practice hundreds of times is this one: one bishop vs 3 pawns. Can the bishop always win? what is the strategy? how should the bishop attack? play, and find the answers yourself!

Game 3.1

Next game is giving an additional pawn to black. Can white still win here or not? What is the best strategy for both?

Game 3.2

Let’s move to a more conventional game. 2 bishops vs 8 pawns. Who do you think will win and how?

Game 3.3

Lastly, a game of 8 pawns and 2 bishops from each side. This looks like a proper chess game. Same rules as the equivalent rook game apply here.

Game 3.4

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